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Stone Treatments

Stone Treatments – Treating refers to any alteration of the properties or appearance of natural turquoise and other stones, with the exception of cutting and polishing.

§          Dyeing – adding blue dye to low-grade turquoise, and adding black to gray or pale blue onyx, to enhance the stone’s appearance.

§          Reconstitution – pulverizing fragments of turquoise, coral or lapis lazuli into powder. The power is mixed with epoxy and worked into cakes or stones, which are used just like natural stones.

§          Stabilizing – injecting clear, colorless acrylics into low-to-medium-grade turquoise to toughen and harden the stone and enhance its color. Stabilizing is the most advanced and sophisticated method of treating turquoise. The majority of turquoise used today is stabilized. Natural gem-quality turquoise is usually only used by top artists and commands much higher prices than stabilized turquoise.

(from FTC FACTS for Consumers – produced in cooperation with the Indian Arts and Crafts Board, U.S. Department of the Interior – September 2000)

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